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Web Devolapment

Project Name: Pendidikan Berbasis Laravel Framework: Laravel (PHP Framework) Objective: To build a comprehensive educational platform. It will simplify teaching and learning. Laravel's architecture ensures scalability, security, and performance.

  • Completed Date: 2024-10-05
  • Category: Solution
  • Client: Muhammad Arif
  • Location: Bandung, Indonesia

Key Features:

  1. User Management System:

    • Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Different roles like admin, teachers, students, and parents will have distinct permissions.
    • User Registration & Profile Management: Users can register, create profiles, and manage their personal data.
  2. Course Management:

    • Course Creation: Admins and teachers can create and manage courses, including setting up modules, lessons, and assignments.
    • Course Enrollment: Students can enroll in courses, track their progress, and view course materials.
    • Progress Tracking: Students' progress is tracked and visualized with clear reports for both teachers and students.
  3. Interactive Learning Tools:

    • Quizzes & Assessments: Integrated systems for quizzes and tests with instant feedback.
    • Discussion Forums: Community-driven discussion boards for students to interact, ask questions, and collaborate.
    • Live Classes & Video Integration: Support for live streaming of classes or pre-recorded lecture videos.
  4. Grading & Reporting:

    • Automated Grading System: Automatically grade quizzes and assessments based on pre-set criteria.
    • Customizable Reports: Teachers can generate detailed reports on student performance, including analytics and recommendations.
  5. Content Management System (CMS):

    • Content Creation & Editing: Teachers and administrators can create and update course materials, lessons, and resources easily.
    • Multi-media Support: Ability to upload videos, PDFs, presentations, and other learning materials.
  6. Notification System:

    • Real-time Notifications: Alerts for course updates, assignment deadlines, and system announcements via email or in-app notifications.
  7. Payment Integration (if applicable):

    • Course Payments: Secure payment gateways for students to purchase premium courses or certifications.
  8. Multi-Language & Localization:

    • The platform will support multiple languages for a global audience, along with customizable localization settings.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (with Vue.js or Blade for templating)
  • Backend: Laravel (PHP)
  • Database: MySQL/PostgreSQL
  • Hosting: Cloud-based services (AWS, DigitalOcean, etc.)
  • APIs: RESTful APIs for integration with third-party services

Development Phases:

  1. Requirement Gathering & Analysis: Identify key stakeholders, gather requirements, and finalize the project scope.
  2. Design & Prototyping: Wireframes, UI/UX design, and prototyping for visualizing the platform’s look and feel.
  3. Development:
    • Backend logic and database setup using Laravel.
    • Frontend design and integration.
  4. Testing & Quality Assurance:
    • Unit testing, integration testing, and bug fixes to ensure smooth functionality.
  5. Deployment & Maintenance:
    • Deploy the platform on the chosen hosting service, followed by regular updates and security patches.


  • Initial Development: 3-4 weekly
  • Testing & Debugging: 1-2 weekly
  • Launch & Ongoing Support: After 6 weekly

This Laravel-based educational platform is set to change online learning. It aims to make learning easy, fun, and effective.