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DY21 Tech - Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") are for using DY21 Tech's services. By using our services, you agree to these Terms. Please read them before you start.

2. Services Provided

DY21 Tech offers many services:

  • IT Management
  • Database Security
  • Cyber Security
  • IT Consultancy
  • App Development
  • UI/UX Design

Each service has its own details, as outlined in your contract with us.

3. Service Delivery and Acceptance

3.1 Project Scope: We deliver projects as agreed upon in your contract. Any changes need to be agreed upon in writing and may change the cost and timeline.

3.2 Service Acceptance: After each project phase, we give you the work for review. You must approve or ask for changes within 7 days. If no feedback is given, we consider the work accepted.

4. Fees and Payment

4.1 Pricing: Your contract will detail all service fees. Payment plans vary by project, and extra costs will be clearly told before.

4.2 Payment Terms: Pay as agreed in your contract. Late payments might delay service delivery. DY21 Tech can suspend services if payments are not up to date.

4.3 Taxes: You are responsible for all taxes, duties, or fees unless stated otherwise in your contract.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 Client's Intellectual Property: Any content or materials you provide stay your intellectual property.

5.2 DY21 Tech's Intellectual Property: Our proprietary tools and methods stay our intellectual property, unless agreed otherwise.

5.3 Ownership of Deliverables: After full payment, all project deliverables become your property, except for our proprietary tools and methods.

6. Confidentiality

Both parties must keep confidential any sensitive information shared. This includes not sharing it with third parties without consent, except as required by law.

7. Cyber Security and Database Security

7.1 Security Protocols: We use industry-standard security in our services. But, we can't protect against all threats.

7.2 Liability for Security Breaches: We're not liable for damages from security breaches by third parties, if we followed security protocols and standards.

8. Limitation of Liability

8.1 DY21 Tech is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages from using our services.

8.2 Our liability for any claim under these Terms is limited to the amount paid for the services.

9. Warranties and Disclaimers

9.1 Service Warranty: DY21 Tech promises to do its best with every service. If there's a problem, tell us within 30 days so we can fix it.

9.2 Third-Party Services: DY21 Tech can't control third-party software or platforms. We're not responsible for their failures.

10. Term and Termination

10.1 Termination by Either Party: Either side can end the agreement with 30 days' notice. You'll pay for services up to the end date.

10.2 Termination for Cause: DY21 Tech can stop the agreement without warning if you break the rules. This includes not paying or misusing services.

11. Governing Law

These Terms follow the laws of the country where DY21 Tech is based. Any disputes will be solved by courts in that region.

12. Changes to Terms

DY21 Tech can change these Terms anytime. We'll let you know about big changes. Using our services means you agree to the new Terms.

13. Contact Information

Got questions about these Terms? Reach out to us at: